White Box Testing

Excelon Solutions provides white box testing services to its global clients to optimize their software applications and products using industries best practices.

White box or code coverage analysis testing is a structural testing technique which improves code quality, preventing untested code from reaching end users. White-box testing not only verifies that the basic unit of code (class/ function/ procedure) behaves properly when appropriate input is given but also validates that unexpected inputs do not cause application crashes.

White box testing helps to measure risk in conjunction with code criticality.

White-box testing enables the process of testing that is seamlessly integrated with the process of development, resulting in the reduction of overall development time and effort. Code coverage with integrated metrics helps cost efficiency, making software more reliable.

This testing methodology helps in decreasing cascading errors, reduces test-time in future releases and minimizes the development and maintenance time for the code.

Excelon Solutions White box Experts will ensure that all the source code pushed to testing will undergo the complete code coverage techniques.

  Coverage Techniques
  • Statement Coverage
  • Decision Coverage
  • Condition Coverage
  • Multiple Condition Coverage
  • Condition/Decision Coverage
  • Modified Condition/Decision Coverage (MC/DC and MCDC)
  • Path Coverage
  • Function Coverage
  • Call Coverage
  • Linear Code Sequence and Jump (LCSAJ) Coverage
  • Data Flow Coverage
  • Object Code Branch Coverage
  • Loop Coverage
  • Race Coverage
  • Relational Operator Coverage
  • Weak Mutation Coverage
  • Table Coverage
  Our testing experts use:
  • Static analysis methods on source code to exploiting some kinds of software to report a potential vulnerability in the system.
  • Proven testing technique whereby explicit knowledge of the internal workings of the item being tested is used to select the test data.
  • Specific knowledge of programming code to examine outputs.